
Semi-Automatic Multi-Spindle Drill


The multi spindle Drilling machine consist of a Gantry Type table fitted with 1 off bridge-mounted drilling head with 150mm stroke and 50mm of Hydro Feed Control, #2 Morse Taper Spindles. The drilling head has 7 spindles, Fixed Drill Head, 50mm C-C In-Line, ER20 Style Spindles with collets for 5mm drills. The table arrangement allows for loading and unloading from one side only by a loader whilst drilling is progress, operated by a dedicated operator. The machine is supplied with hardened steel strips installed on the table to reduce wear. The table features 4 clamping areas for a total of 28 off rebars, all loaded from the front, with the loader loading and unloading rebars as the operator indexes the drilling head horizontally from one clamp area to the next.


Maximum length of bars               


Pin Diameter   .

Ø4 to Ø5mm

Typical production output

(Based on Ø20mm bars x 2m long at 5kg each, produced on a single 8-hour shift basis for 22 workdays per month at a 70% efficiency with one loader/operator/unloader (of bars fitted with nuts)

Typical drilling cycle time

20 sec / 7 bolts, excluding loading & unloading

Overall cycle time

30 seconds for 7 bolts (at 100% efficiency)

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