
Automatic Cropping Machines


MTP's automated nut applicator and nibbing machines can process up to 480 tons of roof bolts per month. (Based on 20mm bar, 1800mm long, a single shift of 8 hours. 22 work days per month and 75% operator and loader efficiency). Automated nut applicator and nibbing machines consist of a sorting and loading table which insures the correct positioning of the bars, a vibrating nut sorter to supply the nut applicator, which in turn spins the nuts onto the thread, a nibbing press with a backstop to accurately position and nib the threads and a spinning head to spin the nut back onto the nib. Oil filtering system with magnetic separator for removing bar scale. Safety guards.


Maximum length of bars


Range diameter of bars.

Ø 16mm to Ø 20mm

Minimum nut

Hex for 18mm to 22mm Din405 on ø16 to ø20 mm bar

Quantity of nuts in sorter       

1200 off

Typical production output

Based on Ø20mm bars x 2m long at 5kg each, produced on a single 8-hour shift basis for 22 workdays per month at a 70% efficiency with one operator and one loader/unloader (of bars & nuts)

Typical cycle time

5 sec / bolt

Production rate / day

4,000 bolts per 8-hour shift at 70% efficiency

Production rate / month    

440 tons per month (for 22 single-shift days at 70% eff)

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